A story of growing up, friendships, and fierce drag in a rural town.
Curtis Campbell’s debut novel The House of Rural Realness is an engaging and highly enjoyable YA story about growing up as a queer teen in a country town where everyone knows everyone.
Peter Thompkin is one of the few out teens at his local high school, and when his venomous clapback against the most popular gay in school goes viral online, he is in desperate need of some good PR. In an attempt to impress an out-of-town hottie slinging ice-cream in their town for the summer, and do some damage control on his reputation, Peter and his larger-than-life best friend Alan commit to putting on The First Annual Mason County Drag Extravaganza.
Alan’s drag alter ego, Aggie Culture, will be the star, along with several other local teen queens who are up-and-coming on the scene.
Despite intending to keep his head down until he can get out of Mason County, Peter finds himself caught up in more and more high-profile drama, all while fielding the kind of embarrassment and self-loathing that only a teenager can experience. Will the drag show go off without a hitch? Or will Peter’s cutting remarks and reluctance to put himself out there torpedo it all before the glittery curtain can even rise?
Campbell succinctly captures the queer adolescent experience of being filled with resentment at a world that is not built for you and also doesn’t sugar-coat the reality of being visibly queer in a rural town. There are several instances when Peter and his friends are threatened, insulted and put in unsafe situations by adults and their own peers who do not want to see or accept them. But Peter’s journey teaches him that friendships, community and not keeping things bottled up are the antidotes to the bitterness that will otherwise eat away at your confidence and joy.
Campbell’s characters are flawed and real, and the setting of farm-filled Mason County will be highly recognisable to country queers around the world. This is an excellent addition to the growing body of stories by LQBTQIA+ authors that capture the experience of growing up while navigating a world that can be difficult and cruel, but that is also filled with joy, friendships, solidarity and rainbow glitter.
This review was first published on ArtsHub.